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Thinking about rehoming your pet?

Deciding to rehome a pet is an incredibly difficult decision, and we want to help you understand if it's the right decision for you. 

Here are some common reasons we see rehoming happen - and some things to consider!

Behavioural Challenges:

Whether it's your cat or your dog, behavioural challenges can be EXHAUSTING. Always on edge. Feeling that you are unable to "handle" your pet or help them the way that they need it.  It's a very common feeling, and you're not alone! You can't possibly know every training technique or what to do to work on your specific problem so here are a few places to start:

- A lot of behavioural issues stem from a lack of proper exercise, play, and mental stimulation. Animals may act out if these needs are not being met. Consider adjusting the level of mental and physical stimulation your pet is getting and see if the behaviours curb!

- If that doesn't quite do it, or you're not sure what steps to take - we recommend reaching out to a balanced trainer who can help you find the tools and methods that will work for you and your pet. 

Life Changes:
Life throws you curve balls; we can all attest to that. Moving? New baby? Going back to the office? It can all be overwhelming and put stress on both you as an owner and uncertainty in your pet. Sometimes we assume we won't be able to provide them what they need, and they'd be better off with someone else to get all the attention that they deserve - but moving and leaving your family is likely to be more stressful than this change alongside you.


- Sometimes it's as simple as creating a new routine that works for both you and your pet. Consistency is really important, and routines and structure will help your pet adjust to big changes more easily. 

- If your changes involve a new baby, there are plenty of amazing trainers who teach how to be a great dog parent and human parent successfully. A trainer can also help with creating and adjusting routines and improving general obedience and structure to help make a transition smooth.



Rehoming often causes regression...


Sometimes, rehoming is necessary, but it is important to know that rehoming will almost always cause regression in behavioural issues or health conditions as moving to a new environment causes stress that escalates these concerns.


We hope that before making this decision, you have considered all your options and have consulted a trainer, behaviourist, vet, etc. (sometimes more than one) and have made changes to help your beloved pet succeed.


There are overcrowded shelters all across Ontario that are forced to euthanize due to lack of space and adoptions, so choosing to rehome your pet should only be if truly necessary. 


If you'd like to submit a request to rehome your dog, please do so here.

If you'd like to submit a request to rehome your cat, please do so here.

Please understand that we are only able to accept animals into our care when we have suitable, available fosters and the available funds to support the animal responsibly. We are a volunteer-run non-profit organization that does not receive any government funding and we solely rely on the support of our community. We request a surrender donation of $300 for dogs and $200 for cats to be able to continue to support our local community to the best of our ability.


There are plenty of ways to help our rescue! Big or small, one-time or ongoing, financially or with your time, we appreciate whatever you can offer.
Thank you so much you for thinking of helping BATM.

© 2024 by Bark at the Moon Animal Rescue

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